Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day 3 - Part 2

I don't have any new pictures from Wednesday evening but here is a little update of what we talked about. We had a new speaker, Stuart Hall, come in and he talked to us about doubts. Basically, there are a lot of things that happen that we can't explain...particular those bad things that happen in our lives. The unexplainable is not ever going away. BUT, we cannot deny Christ and what He has done. We have to focus on the undeniable and let is overshadow the unexplainable. (he gave a lot of awesome examples for the kids to understand this concept)

Every night after the main service we meet as a church group. Kyle has used that time for the students to share something they have learned or God has shown them. Last night it was amazing listening to your students talk about their day. They were deeply influenced by the Daraja Choir and hearing their story. A lot of them shared of how humbling it was to see their lifestyle. These aren't their exact words, but the basics of what some of them said:
**We complain about such little things going on in our life or not getting something we want. But those kids have nothing...not even clean water. Their lives are scary and they may not have family around. We decided today that we need to stop our complaining.
**We should be thankful & not take things for granted. They have to walk all those miles just to have water and it may not even be clean.
**I went to get a drink of water during the service because I was hot and when I threw my cup away I saw all the cups that still had water in them in there. The wasted water was filling the bottom. We take for granted that we can get clean water whenever we want. (by the way....a stat they gave was that a family in Kenya uses 5 gallons a day and a single person in the US uses 200 gallons a day)
**When we were all singing together at the same time it got pretty loud in couldn't hear anything but our voices. And I was thinking how it would be if we all decided to work together on the same goal how quickly and how much we could change the world.
**We should sponsor a kid or 2 over there as a group.

I know these statements reflected all their hearts & conversations. I'm so proud of your kids. They want to step up and change the world.

Love God. Love People.

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