Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Camp Photos!!

I have created a youth site to upload pictures onto not only for camp, but other events and things we do. The site is:

Most of your parents received an email with the password to the site in it. If not, email, text, or ask me on Wednesday for it. (my email is parker.emily@hotmail.com)

Click on "view album" to see the pictures as thumbnails. Once there you can select pictures and order prints. You can also click on the picture to make it bigger, select it from there to order prints, or click "download" (on the right) to download it to your computer so you can print it from home or upload it somewhere else for your use. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Also, on the home page at the top right you will find an option "Add Pictures" You can create a Shutterfly account & upload your youth pictures to share with others. Please upload pictures from youth events only onto this site. (or we will have to remove the option)

All the camp pictures I took have been added. I'll be posting more pics from other events as we do them! Enjoy!


Love God. Love People.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Highlight Video

Here is the highlight video from camp that was shown today at church created by Bob. Enjoy!

All the pictures I took will be available soon!

Love God. Love People.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Day 4

We are currently driving...headed back to Edwardsville! Here is an update from yesterday and a lot of pictures. Enjoy!

We heard from Stuart Hall one last time in the morning. He used Mark 2;27 and talked about taking "time out". (a Sabbath) When we are too busy, we tend to be somewhere physically and somewhere else mentally. Most of the time we are focused on the past or future. God talked about resting, Jesus modeled it, life necessitates it, and common sense declares it. We can rest and the world will keep spinning. God makes the world move, not us. We may have to give up "good" stuff, but your soul is so much more important than all your "stuff".

We spent a little more time at the beach this afternoon then headed out to Pineapple Willy's to eat dinner. It was great food and excellent service!

Jared Herd finished up our last session & the kids got to rock out! He used Revelation 21:1-4 and talked about how the story ends. Christianity is unlike any other religion because it is based on two events - the crucifixion and Jesus returning someday. There will be a new Heaven and a new earth. Heaven is as real as the city we live in. When we watch a movie & we already know the ending, we do not get anxious about what is going to happen. In the same way, we can have HOPE because we know how the story ends. And regardless of where you are in your story, God can redeem it!

Here is our group time meeting on the beach after the main service.

Beach Pictures:

Eating at Pineapple Willy's:

Pastor Bob came to hang out with us:

Main Service:

This is our guys running away for a music video of Taylor Swift's song, Love story: (seconds later Justin falls into sand)

Kyle finally caught a frisbee: (they threw them out at the beginning of services)

Church group time on the beach after the main service:

Love God. Love People.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day 3 - Part 2

I don't have any new pictures from Wednesday evening but here is a little update of what we talked about. We had a new speaker, Stuart Hall, come in and he talked to us about doubts. Basically, there are a lot of things that happen that we can't explain...particular those bad things that happen in our lives. The unexplainable is not ever going away. BUT, we cannot deny Christ and what He has done. We have to focus on the undeniable and let is overshadow the unexplainable. (he gave a lot of awesome examples for the kids to understand this concept)

Every night after the main service we meet as a church group. Kyle has used that time for the students to share something they have learned or God has shown them. Last night it was amazing listening to your students talk about their day. They were deeply influenced by the Daraja Choir and hearing their story. A lot of them shared of how humbling it was to see their lifestyle. These aren't their exact words, but the basics of what some of them said:
**We complain about such little things going on in our life or not getting something we want. But those kids have nothing...not even clean water. Their lives are scary and they may not have family around. We decided today that we need to stop our complaining.
**We should be thankful & not take things for granted. They have to walk all those miles just to have water and it may not even be clean.
**I went to get a drink of water during the service because I was hot and when I threw my cup away I saw all the cups that still had water in them in there. The wasted water was filling the bottom. We take for granted that we can get clean water whenever we want. (by the way....a stat they gave was that a family in Kenya uses 5 gallons a day and a single person in the US uses 200 gallons a day)
**When we were all singing together at the same time it got pretty loud in there...you couldn't hear anything but our voices. And I was thinking how it would be if we all decided to work together on the same goal how quickly and how much we could change the world.
**We should sponsor a kid or 2 over there as a group.

I know these statements reflected all their hearts & conversations. I'm so proud of your kids. They want to step up and change the world.

Love God. Love People.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

About to start the main service! Here are some pics from the afternoon/evening.

Love God. Love People.

Day 3 - Part 1

I now have WiFi, which means I can post a LOT more quickly & it won't take an hour and half to download 5 pictures to the blog! Good stuff! (apparently our air card wasn't working very good because we don't have 3g network...whatever that means) Also, Bob just tipped me on how to make my file sizes smaller so that helps! Please keep scrolling to see the update from yesterday as well!

This morning has been good so far. Instead of listening to the speaker we had an amazing time with the Daraja choir. They are a group of children here from Africa that led us in worship & told us a little bit about their story. It was humbling to hear about their lives and incredible to listen to their hearts. You probably remember Bob encouraging people to sponsor children through Compassion International...these children are all related to that organization as well. I'm so happy that kids were able to experience something like that and see the importance on having a global impact.

Here are a few more pics from our main session last night:

The Daraja Choir this morning:

Headed to the beach! More pictures to come later tonight!
Love God. Love People.

Day 2

We are all still having a wonderful time! The beach was awesome today & you will be proud to know that none of your kids are major sunburned so far. In fact, Kyle & Aaron won the award for getting the most sunburned. We had 2 sessions today. During the morning session we talked about Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 and how memories of our past shape our expectations of our future. We all view life through a lens of time. Jared talked about not letting your past condemn your present or future. During the evening session Jared talked about Time Bandits using Galatians 6:7-10. Young people have a story filled with intentions: professionally, spiritually, financially, and relationally. At some point most of our intentions turn into regrets. He told the kids it's our choices, not our intentions that determine your path/story and really dug into the relationship realm of things. It was an awesome discussion!!

Here are some pictures from our afternoon:

It's open & has a great view where we eat:

Here is the view from our hotel balcony:

Hanging out by the ocean:

Sports stuff wasn't so successful for LifePoint today, but we had a great time:

P.S. Had I snapped this 2 seconds later it wouldve been an AWESOME pic...that ball continued to travel directly into Ashli's face.

Love God. Love People.