Thursday, June 24, 2010

BigStuf 2010 - Day 2

We had a great 2nd day of camp! The kids enjoyed the beach and participated in some rec activities. I am going to attempt to update the blog the next two days before our evening service (it's at 7:45) instead of so late - so be sure to check earlier! I am also in the process of uploading all the pictures to Shutterfly - it just takes time! Remember to email me ( if you need the password for Shutterfly and I will get it to you asap. Thanks!

Tomorrow you can tune in live at 9:30am for a special project BigStuf is working on. Click here to tune in!

This morning we heard from Stuart Hall. He used 2 Corinthians 5:17 and talked about us needing to be completely new and not just improved. Christ lives in us and we were created to radiate the light of Christ in a dark world. He challenged the students to think about the things they are doing or the people they are hanging out with that are causing us to put a curtain over our light.

This evening we heard from Louie Giglio and he used John 12:20-28 to talk about how we need to think about God so we can effectively deal with the bad, difficult stuff that comes into our lives. We tend to have our "plans" and think our life should go a certain way so when something bad happens we want to know what happened to our plan and why God did what He did. But, we need to change our thought process to "I am here to make Your name great." Then, when the darkness comes it doesn't hurt any less, shake us up any less, etc. but in the midst of it we remember the right plan. (that we were created for God's glory & to make His name great) God wants to use the good and bad stuff in our lives to glorify Him. We can't choose the roles we play in God's story, but we can choose the way we think about the story.

Here are some pictures from today:

The view from our balcony:


(this was their "I miss my mommy" face :)

P.S. I haven't been proofreading so I apologize for any mistakes.

Love God. Love People.

1 comment:

  1. that last pic made me laugh! glad you guys are having a great time
